Embracing the last drops of Summer Vacation

It’s that time of year for us. School related emails are coming regularly. One IKEA trip has been made. I am planning out school lunches. We register lil man for preschool Wednesday! And I am trying to rest that God is going to give us our Daily Bread, not that he will give me strength for the whole year right this moment. So I am embracing today, my last Friday of Summer. IMG_7058

This week, to avoid freaking out, I have been trying to rest in one day at a time. I am resting in impromptu trips with friends, a day at the Children’s Museum, game nights, dinosaur movies from the library, weekly Bible studies, moments of drinking coffee, and spending time God. I am avoiding Pinterest, and I’m spending less time on Facebook and Instagram. I haven’t darkened the door of a school supply store, because those things will come, probably sometime next week. God is teaching me to trust that He is enough for today. He is enough for tomorrow. And He is enough for every single day this school year. IMG_7062

This is big for me. In years past, I would spend hours on Pinterest all Summer, and I would be overloaded with all the “best things” to do in my classroom, but walk away exhausted and my head full of ideas that were rarely used. I’m getting overwhelmed even thinking about it. I would worry and wish time away, instead of enjoying the moments and days that I could enjoy with my family and friends. Even when I was with friends, I was worried about what I wasn’t doing to get ready for the next year. I would spend hours staring at blank classroom walls and the computer, because I felt I had to have the whole year planned before school began. Daily Bread.

IMG_7063So today, we may stay in PJs all day and watch movies, read books, play with Legos… Today is a day for resting and not worrying about next week or the week after. Today is for filling my mind with God’s promises. Today is for giving myself grace and enjoying the now God has given me. I hope your today is filled with good things too. IMG_6809

I have really enjoyed getting to share our life and adventures this summer, and I am planning on still posting once a week, with grace, during the school year. We are on Facebook and Instagram  if you want to follow our adventures between posts. We would love to hear from you, so please leave comments and questions below.